Saturday, February 18, 2017

DIY Brightening Face Mask

   Happy Sunday, Everyone! So I don't know about any of you guys, but I absolutely love doing face masks. They're such an easy way to pamper yourself, but more importantly, they nourish your skin with amazing ingredients, which we can never get enough of. On the negative side though, when you're on a budget, skin care items can get to be really expensive- even items you can purchase at the drugstore- it all adds up. One of the ways I've been able to keep up on my skincare while not breaking my bank account has been to make my own face mask out of all natural, and common household items. Some might think it's crazy, but believe it or not, a lot of the beauty items we use on the daily such as cleansers, moisturizers, creams, oils, shampoos, conditioners, etc., tend to have natural ingredients in them that we may have in our house. Baking soda, Coconut oil, lemons, sea salt, avocado, the list goes on and on. I could make a separate post on all the different benefits each item has on your skin, but today, we're going to focus on mainly lemon and honey. I'm going to give you guys the steps to take and everything you need, and you're going to find out sooner rather than later how actually easy it is!

     Today's face mask is going to focus on brightening your skin. I tend to have very dull, tired looking skin that can always use a good pick-me-up. And lemon and honey are notorious for giving your skin a bright, radiant (but not oily,) and clean glow. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and citric acid, which over time can really make a difference on brightening the skin. Vitamin C can also lighten specific dark spots on the skin or throughout your whole body like age spots, sun spots, or scars. As a plus as well, lemons are great at reducing and removing excess oil on the skin, and that's due to the citric acid on the skin. Now let's get into the honey. Other than being a great sidekick to peanut butter, it has a number of benefits to your skin also. Honey is great to moisturize and soothe the skin, which mixed with the lemon that brightens, the honey then gives the clean, radiant glow. Honey is also a natural antibiotic, which makes it great for clearing problematic, acne-prone skin. Do you believe me now? Today's mask is gonna take no time, as the hardest part of the whole process is literally making sure you have the items you need.


-1 egg
-1 bowl
-measuring cups
OPTIONAL: foundation brush

  •    STEPS: 

 1) Cut your lemon in half

2) Measure out 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice by squeezing your lemon and putting the juice into the measuring cup, and dump into the bowl.

3)Measure out 2 teaspoons of honey into the measuring cup, and dump into the bowl.


4) Crack your egg and dump into the bowl

 5) Measure out 1 tablespoon of flour and pour into your bowl

  6) Use your fork to mix all the items together. When mixed, you should get a liquidy- paste consistency.

  7) With your foundation brush if you have one, or your fingers work fine too, apply the mask all over your face. Be sure to apply a generous amount to specific areas you want to really get that brightening effect.

  8) Let sit on your face until it dries. For me, it didn't take longer than around 10-15 minutes to dry all over my face.

 9) Wash off. I started off with just water and massaging it into my face, but eventually I used a gentle face wash to scrub the rest off.

10) Then viola! Your newly fresh, glowy, and bright skin. The results are instant too and I know you'll be amazed by the difference in your skin. Let me know if any of you guys have tried this mask and what your thoughts are :) Also, let me know what else you guys wanna see me try!


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